Scientific visualization refers to the process of representing raw, scientific data as images, providing an external aid to improve scientists' interpretations of large data sets and to gain insights that may be overlooked by statistical methods alone.

CFDR Overview

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a very useful tool to understand and optimize complex processes and machines. It is widely used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and chemical engineering. Thus, the simulation results serve as a basis for decision-making. Since CFD is already part of the everyday life of an engineer, this tool is being taught to students as standard during studies. However, building and understanding resulting simulation data can be very time-consuming, and additional tools such as Paraview or Gnuplot are needed to bring the results into a suitable and presentable form. Depending on the discipline, this can be a problem for teaching, as students can lose their concentration over time.

This in turn leads to a worsened learning experience. It can be helpful if the simulation results are visualized in advance or just in time, so that students can better interact with them.

Recognizing this challenge, we are excited to introduce a cutting-edge solution that revolutionizes the way we interact with CFD results.

Our web-based software, crafted using the latest technologies including Emscripten, OpenGL ES 2.0, SDL2, and IMGUI,
  • A software running on the web (WASM), used to visualize CFD results. Only used to visualize data, not to pre-process it (done separately in paraview)
  • Written mostly C99-style, compiled as C++
  • Compiled with Emscripten
  • Rendering done with OpenGL ES 2.0
  • Only uses SDL2 and IMGUI as external libraries
  • Same look / feel as a desktop app
offers a seamless and intuitive platform for visualizing CFD data without the need for extensive pre-processing.

This course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to leverage this powerful visualization tool effectively. By providing real-time access to CFD results in a user-friendly interface, we aim to enhance your learning experience and empower you to delve deeper into the world of fluid dynamics with confidence.

Join us as we embark on a journey to unlock the hidden insights within CFD simulations, enabling you to make informed decisions and drive innovation in your field.

We look forward to exploring the fascinating realm of CFD visualization with you!